Welcome to Nonprofit Monitor

Comprehensive insights into US nonprofits.

This website is in development.

Nonprofit Monitor is an extensive nonprofit search, alerting, and cataloging platform. Leveraging a myriad of data scraping techniques, this platform will provide unparalleled access to information on U.S. based nonprofits.

Below is an example of the type of data you can expect:

EIN Organization Name Tax Status Filing Date Domain Name Registrar Email Provider Website Host Website Platform
01-2345678 Example Nonprofit 501(c)(3) 01/05/2023 examplenonprofit.org Cloudflare Google Workspace AWS WordPress
98-7654321 Another Nonprofit 501(c)(3) 03/15/1993 anothernonprofit.org Domain.com Microsoft 365 Microsoft Azure Drupal
65-4321987 Yet Another Nonprofit 501(c)(3) 09/20/1973 yetanothernonprofit.org Squarespace Google Workspace Squarespace Squarespace